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Product CenterProfessional&Excellence
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Beijing Hangke Xinyuan Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd
ADD:Room 1025, No.2 Building, Ziyu International, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China

Low frequency power supply

Category:Metal casting power supply
Time:2024-08-02 12:12
Number of views:
Phone: 13581772083

Product Description

It is used in processes such as ore-arcing furnaces and electroslag furnaces, and can be used to melt and cast more than 400 types of steel, including carbon steel, alloy structural steel, bearing steel, and mold steel. The main circuit uses a three-phase fully controlled bridge and double reverse star as the basic unit topology. It can form a 12-pulse, 24-pulse, and other multi-pulse combination structures through transformer phase shifting to meet the needs of different working conditions, effectively reduce harmonic pollution, and improve reliability.

Main Parameters

Input Parameters

          Voltage: AC 3Φ380V, 690V, 6kV, 10kV and other voltage levels

             Frequency: 50Hz 

Output Parameters:

            Voltage: DC30 ~ 150V (customizable)

            Current: DC6000 ~ 50000A (customizable)

            Operating frequency: 0.5 ~ 5.0Hz (customizable)


          The power supply has a large current margin and can withstand frequent surge currents.

            Effectively solve the three-phase imbalance of the power grid, while reducing short-circuit voltage drop and improving power factor

            It has protection functions such as overcurrent, insufficient water pressure, fuse blowing, transformer oil temperature and gas, etc.

            Flexible communication mode, supports multiple communication protocols such as Profinet, Profibus-DP, Modbus-RTU, etc., easy to realize automatic chain control

Product CenterProfessional&Excellence

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Contact Us

Company Name:Beijing Hangke Xinyuan Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd
Add:Room 1025, No.2 Building, Ziyu International, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China

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